At the end of November, we stayed at The Carbon River Cabin on Airbnb. It was not what we expected. Though, the stay was an interesting memory nonetheless!
Overall, we give this stay two out if five stars. Why? We felt falsely advertised to. If the listing had been more truthful, we would have given four out of five stars.
It is one of the cheapest stays in the area, by far! Explanation on the listing? There is no running water, a Porta John for a bathroom, and the place is TINY! That, we were expecting.
What we weren’t expecting was the cabin being so near a high way and ten steps from the owners house. The listing shows a cabin in the woods next to a river standing in complete solitude. In truth, you can hear the highway about 20 feet from the cabin and the outdoor property is small for a campground. Though, a great affordable option and I applaud the captured opportunity for semi-passive income! With slightly better communication, I think this host would get better reviews.
The view out the front door is a beautiful memorial to Breonna Taylor painted on the side of the hosts home. The area is surrounded by soulful hand made art. Wood carvings, metal welding, and paintings surround the property which were are all fun to be around!
Rather than being alone as a family in the woods, we ran into the host several times outdoors walking his 6-8 dogs. He was kind and the kids loved the pups! It just wasn’t the quiet solitude we signed up for.
The Carbon River Cabin also advertised that it came with coffee….in truth it came with coffee beans. No grinder, no strainer, no coffee pot. Whole beans in the fridge and a way to boil water. Good luck with that!
The cabin took about 5-6 hours to heat up with the oil heater provided by the host, and it was not plugged in when we arrived. We were FREEZING for most of the first night as we arrived later in the evening. However, once it was warmed up inside, it held the heat quite well!
Host thoughts: First, get a coffee bean grinder/coffee pot in there if you’re going to say the place has coffee! Second, plug in the heater a few hours before expecting guests in the winter. Finally, Include a photo of how close the cabin is to your home. BAM! You’ve gone from two to four stars for honesty. Don’t even change the price. It’s plenty cheap and the cabin is truly ADORABLE! People just want to know more what to expect. I would not say it has a “hidden away feel”. Though, It can sure look that way in photographs!
Final thoughts: I would be happy to have a little trip here by myself or with a sister for a getaway on a tiny budget! Definitely not with the whole family or children. We thought the tiny cabin would be fine since we prefer the outdoors during the day. Though, it was awkward being outside the cabin in the small limited feeling yard by the highway. However, If you plan to stay inside and brainstorm or read this stay is not a bad option!
Here is the listing if you’d like to check it out!
USE THIS LINK for up to $65 off your first stay with Airbnb!
Also, a little shoot Clynn shot before we left.
Meet French Fry!
Carbon River Cabin
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