Jaclynn Wilkinson


Discovery Park Engagement Photos | Jennica & Greg



Discovery Park may just be my new favorite place for Engagement photos! Ever since I launched SJP, September weddings have been just as common as June, July, and August! Maybe even more-so than June or August! I booked out my September quiet some time ago and was so excited when Jennica & Greg grabbed the last spot!

Their intimate September Wedding will be at a VRBO vacation rental that is absolutely to die for with its jaw dropping charm. I was all heart eyes swiping through the photos and I can see exactly why Jennica & Greg knew it was the one!

I pulled up to our shoot location. The weather was flawless. Our light to die for. Discovery Park made for great variety and the perfect back drop. When they hopped out of the car and were dressed to the nines my photographer heart did the biggest happy dance!

Discovery Park offers big open fields, sweeping views, sand, PNW trees, and more. I love the variety we’re able to get in just 90 minutes. The beautiful walk from place to place to get to know my couples better is a big bonus!

Congratulations to Jennica and Greg! I can’t wait for Fall! ♥

Discovery Park Engagement Photos

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