The night before James Four Year Old Birthday Party he went to bed more willing than ever before. “Your birthday will come faster if you fall asleep!” Clynn said. That’s all it took. He was SO excited.
After he changed out if his day clothes all by himself and came into my office to say goodnight it looked as if he had grown a foot in ten minutes. I couldn’t believe I was hugging my three year old goodnight for the last time. By 10:30am the next morning, he’d be FOUR!
Clynn had finished his birthday shopping nearly a month before his birthday and Jamie knew very well his gifts were in the top of my office closet for WEEKS. It built the most insane anticipation for him.
We met at Clynn’s Mom’s house for cake James had picked out himself, presents, and a piñata (also of James’ selection)! We met up with Clynn’s sister/Aunt Mimi, her fiancè, Sebastian, and their little one Avery. Avery is right between James and Leo’s age. He’s such a perfect fit into our family of kiddos.
After cake and presents we went to Chuck E Cheese! We didn’t plan on going there until about the month before when Jamie started telling everyone that’s what we were doing. He remembered from his party last year! I wanted to do something new this year, but I think he thinks it’s just what we do on his birthday now. We’ll see if he picks something new next year when he understands he has options!
Honestly, by the time we hit Chuck E Cheese, both boys were completely zoned out and exhausted. I think James was too excited to actually sleep well and all of the excitement from partying at Grandma’s house had worn him out. We played for about 30 minutes on all of the games before they were more than happy to go home! Leo nearly fell asleep on the mini carousel.
Birthday Interview:
My favorite color is: Purple….and also red and orange. And also brown. And grey and green.
Crash Combiners are my favorite toy!
I like to eat frenchfries, strawberries, cake, and cookies
My favorite animal is Cheetahs!
Pokemon is my favorite show/movie!
If I could go anywhere I would go to Grandma Jodi’s or Chucke E Cheese!
When I grow up I want to be a Power Ranger Ninja Steel. I’ll use Ninja Spin to turn into a Red Power Ranger. “Star Lock-In! Ninjaaaa SPIN!”
Is there anything you want to say to everyone and future you?
“I want to tell everyone that my family about rescuebots and crash combiners. Tree spots with bees. When I look at them they sting me and if I kick them they will die so I don’t know what to do.”
Happy Birthday, our sweet baby James. We can’t believe you’re FOUR!
We took lots of turns before Clynn had to crack the piñata open!
Four Year Old Birthday
Previous Posts
Personal: Jamie Turns Three!
Venue Feature: Ballard Annex Oyster House
Weddings: Point Defiance Winter Elopement