Jaclynn Wilkinson


Good Samaritan Hospital Fresh 48 | Bridge Family



Baby Jordan is finally here! Kayela and Austin made their way to the hospital expecting Jordan’s arrival, only to be sent back home the same day. I know so many Mama’s that can relate to this story. Those last couple of weeks are so long and exhausting. False alarms, hospital availability, and so many other factors come into play during this waiting game we call the third trimester. I remember waking up each morning thinking, “Wow. I’m still pregnant.” I am sure Kayela woke up feeling the same way!

A week later, Kayela was admitted and Jordan was here in no time! I got the text, scheduled a drop off for Jamie & Leo, and made my way to Good Samaritan Hospital! This is only my second Fresh 48 Session and my goodness do I love them! Unlike a maternity or newborn session, Fresh 48’s are very photo-journalistic. I observe and document, taking very little control over the situation and it is beautiful.

Little Parker was my last nanny baby before starting SJP and welcoming Leo to the family! He taught Jamie how to be a big brother and me how to care for two little boys at one time. We went on walks almost every day. One baby in the carrier, one in the stroller, their family pup on a leash, and Leo in my belly. WOAH. That is allot when I break it down, but we had so much fun!

Having the privilege to document Parker meet his little brother for the first time was priceless. He wanted to hold Jordan almost right away. Parker gave Jordan kisses and was a master “ssshhher” as he heard Jordan cry for the first time. There was so much concern in his urgent “SSSHHHH SSSSHHHH SSSSHHH” everyone couldn’t help but smile. ♥

I loved being able to document each moment as Kayela’s surgeon, nurse, and Jordan’s nurse made their rounds. I hope you scroll through these portraits and see more than pretty baby skin and love. I hope you linger a little longer on the ones that speak wonder, devotion, innocence, and eternity. I am so excited to have more Fresh 48’s to come.

Good Samaritan Hospital Fresh 48

View Kayela and Austin’s Pioneer Square Studio Maternity Session!

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  1. Shelbi says:

    This is giving me all the feels ! I love this so much ! It has me weighing a fresh 48 or newborn oh holy cuteness 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

    • Jaclynn Wilkinson says:

      I think I would take a fresh 48 over newborn, Shelbi! Fresh 48’s come with beautiful documentation of the newborn phase AND tells a story! ♥


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